Cambridge exam

Test your English Cambridge English Not sure which exam to take? Exams and tests Cambridge English Cambridge English Qualifications are in-depth exams that make learning English enjoyable, effective and rewarding. Their English exams Proficiency (CPE Advanced (CAE First (FCE Preliminary (PET) and Key (KET) are recognised around the world by thousands of employers, universities and. Try our online test to find out which Cambridge English exam is right for you.

Exam preparation Cambridge English Prepare for your Cambridge English exam with free and paid-for preparation materials. Cambridge English exams - Information and Cambridge English (also known as ESOL ) is a department of Cambridge University. Whether you are registering for a group or as an individual candidate, you can find exam dates, locations, and the registration periods for our upcoming Cambridge Assessment English examinations below that.

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These include practice tests, vocabulary lists and exam guides.

Cambridge exam

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Exam dates, fees and locations British Council

Test your English Cambridge English

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