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Nov 0 20SMS Text Messaging done easier, faster, better. Named one of Time Magazine s Best Android Apps Save time Increase productivity. Named one of Time Magazine s Best Android Apps As seen on TechCrunch, Washington Post, Business Insider, Engadget, PC Worl Lifehacker, VentureBeat, PC Worl All Things Digital more.

We simply want to make life easier for people who send and receive SMS text messages and get calls all day). MightyText is a group of Silicon Valley folks (with experience at, Zynga, Cisco based out of the Bay Area in California, USA.


Text from your Tablet, using your current Android number. Send receive SMS and MMS from your computer or tablet, using your current Android ssages stay in sync with your s SMS inbox. Contact Names not showing up on MightyText Web App or Tablet App.

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