Aliexpress seller asking to cancel dispute

But the problem is what will you. They both messaged me basically begging me to close the dispute and that they would refund me, one of them said AliExpress customer service would do it. If an AliExpress seller asks me to cancel the dispute Normally, You will not receive refun if you will cancel the dispute. Iaposm curious if it may affect any future disputes you may have.

Seller asks to cancel dispute : Aliexpress So, I took a picture and opened a dispute, asking for a refund. I would be hesitant to do it because there is a chance of building a negative reputation with Aliexpress. Read this post religiously and you can start shopping on AliExpress safely.

Aliexpress seller asking to cancel dispute

I know that if I cancel the dispute, I. I guess itaposs reasonable to trust AliExpress more than their store, even through Iaposll probably lose the dispute. The seller can cancel but they donapost want to. So far, received these messages from seller (I was asleepotherwise away at the time they were received I am sorry that the protective film makes you dissatisfie we can send you a protective shell, please cancel the dispute, we can now send you goods.

He said he would refund me after I cancel the dispute and the money is released to him. I dont know what that first seller has to gain exactly, theyre going to get all their money because Im not going to send the product back. But he said he had no money to refund me, because the money (124) is on hold.

RAliexpress - Seller asking me to cancel the


MISTAKES THAT WILL COST YOORTUNE ON Mistakes that will cost you a fortune on aliexpress is a guide on how to shop on aliexpress securely without being scammed. Sellers are asking me to close the disputes. I know you should never cancel disputes. It is also recommended that you actively keep in communication with the seller during the Dispute process.

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