Verify return code 20 (unable to get local issuer certificate)

Im running the command: openssl sclient -connect connecttom:4It gives me an digital certificate from VeriSign, Inc., but also shoots out an error: Verify return code: (unable to get local issuer certificate). Verify return code: (unable to get local issuer certificate)- Openssl is unable to validate the Verisign certificate. IT: openssl code: echo HEAD openssl sclient -host m -port 443grep Verify ssl verify error:num20:unable to get local issuer certificate Verify return code: (unable to get local issuer certificate). That of Verify return code: (unable to get local issuer certificate).

OpenSSL - User - Verify return code: (unable to Verify return code: (unable to get local issuer certificate) for m. Adding a new SSL certificate to solve Verify return Adding a new SSL certificate to solve Verify return code: (unable to get local issuer certificate)? Ask Question Asked years, month ago. Dont forget that for most sites (particularly but usually S as well) you have to use the Host: directive so that the web server knows which site you were trying to contact.

Why doesnapost openssl sclient correctly validate Stack Exchange network consists of 1Q A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.

Verify return code: (unable to get

Five Essential OpenSSL Troubleshooting Youll still have to break out after that using Ctrl-C, but meanwhile, what fun. OpenSSL Verify return code: (unable to get I am just trying to figure out why this isnt working now, and go back to my cURL code later after this is worked out. Verify return code: (ok)- Now, we see that the certificates have expanded from depthto depthbecause the full chain is actually made up of four certificates. Afdeling Financin Informatie beweegt graag mee in ontwikkeling en ambitie.

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IT: openssl code: 20

Telling OpenSSL About Your Root Certificates

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OpenSSL Verify return code: (unable to get)

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OpenSSL - User - Verify return code: (unable to)

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