What is it clown
With Andy Powers, Laura Allen, Peter Stormare, Christian Distefano. How to use clown in a sentence. An entertainer who wears funny clothes, has a painted face, and makes people laugh by performing. This is a compilation of all the best jump scares from the original clown videos on weeefamfun. The film stars Laura Allen, Andy Powers, and Peter Stormare.
Clown is a 20American supernatural horror film directed by Jon Watts, produced by Mac Cappuccino, Eli Roth and Cody Ryder, and written by Watts and Christopher Ford. Clown definition, a comic performer, as in a circus, theatrical production, or the like, who wears an outlandish costume and makeup and entertains by pantomiming common situations or actions in exaggerated or ridiculous fashion, by juggling or tumbling, etc. CLOWN is a story of a loving father who dons a clown outfit and makeup to perform at his son s sixth birthday, only to later discover that the costume-red nose and wig included-will not come off.
Features white face makeup, a red nose, exaggerated eyes and smile, and two tufts of hair (red or blue).May convey that someone is silly or foolish or that something is creepy or scary.
The visual effects for the clown monster were done by Alterian, Inc. Some of the creepiest clown scares including, clown under the stairs, pennywise from it, creepy. Oct 0 20Top Creepy Clown Videos (Clown Sightings Videos - 2) - Duration: 15:26. Top Videos That ll Make You Afraid To Go Outside - Duration: 19:04. Clown synonyms, clown pronunciation, clown translation, English dictionary definition of clown.
Clown definition is - farmer, countryman.
A loving father finds a clown suit for his son s birthday party, only to realize that it s cursed. A buffoon or jester who entertains by jokes. Afgelopen hoogseizoenmaand - in aanloop naar Valentijn - ruim honderd. And you can stop a chat at any time).
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